SuccesS Stories

Gizmo is one of thousands of cats served each year by the Humane Society of Summit County.
Gizmo arrived at HSSC after the unfortunate death of his owner. The shock of the new environment shut him down. He refused to eat and he hid under a cat bed all day.
Thankfully, our behavior staff saw Gizmo’s potential to be rehabilitated. He was given IV fluids and was moved into a quiet room that gave him plenty of space. Over the course of several weeks and lots of attention from our staff and volunteers, he finally came out of his shell. He was moved to a room with other cats, and after a four months he found a new home.
Gizmo is now living the life he truly deserves.
Gizmo’s story is not unusual. The animals that come to the Humane Society if Summit County are the most vulnerable and they need and deserve a healthy, safe environment to recover and find their second chance. This is the power of an environment designed to protect pet health and promote healing.